Status: General Director is the CEO of the Planetary Development Institute.

Mission: the General Director is responsible for the Institute’s general management including: long-term planning; setting priorities, goals and objectives of the organisation; and ensuring the execution of the strategies and assessing their results.


  • Representing the Institute in government, financial, taxation bodies, and other organisations and institutions;
  • Making strategic planning decisions;
  • Approving administrative and other documents regulating the Institute’s work;
  • Determining directions and principles of the Institute’s research, economic, innovation, public awareness, information and social activity, and international co-operation;
  • Managing the Institute’s financial resources to improve their efficient allocation and use;
  • Setting up partner links with external organisations, including academic, governmental, non-governmental and non-profit organizations and institutions, foundations and private companies;
  • HR management, including promotions and bonuses;
  • Taking measures enhancing the effectiveness of using material, financial and labour resources, and ensuring the execution of the Institute’s plans;
  • Creating conditions for staff productivity, and research, public awareness and information effectiveness;
  • Providing in-service training for the Institute’s staff.

General Director: Prof. Aleksandr V. Bezgodov, Ph.D. in Political Science, Doctor of Economics, Planetary Development Institute founder.   
